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Mamluk Primary Bibliography
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1. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl. "Wathīqah Maqdisīyah Tārīkhīyah Jadīdah: Kitāb al-Waqf alladhī Anshaʾah al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Baybars ibn ʿAbd Allāh al-Bunduqdārī al-Ṣāliḥī al-Mutawaffá Sanat 676 H ʿalá Maqām al-Nabī Mūsá ʿalayh al-Salām. " al-Quds al-Sharīf 10, (1986): 77-81.
Subjects: Documents/Individuals--Baybars, al-Zahir



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